A binturong is a mammal, also known as Arctictis Binturong. The meaning of the word Binturong is unknown. If you know the meaning, please leave a comment below and let us know! Binturongs are native to Southeast Asia.

Like other exotic animals, binturongs have several names! The most common one is the bearcat. Asian Bearcat and Asian Civet are other names for binturongs. Binturongs have black coarse fur, with grey tips. The salt and pepper hair trend has reached the wild too! There are nine subspecies of Binturongs.
The average lifespan of a binturong is 18 years. In captivity, binturongs can live up to 25 years.
Binturong Pet:
The bearcats or binturongs are calm animals. Domesticating Binturongs is not common around the world. In Asian countries, binturongs are kept as pets. Binturongs are nocturnal. But, they can be diurnal sometimes.
Binturongs cannot be litter-trained. They are also arboreal. Binturongs are large animals. They need a large, well-ventilated cage. Or if you have a large backyard, let me roam.
Branches and other climbing equipment is a must in the cage for binturongs. Binturongs enjoy resting on tree branches. Binturongs also likes climbing up and down trees. Binturongs feed on fruits and vegetables.

Binturongs are tropical animals. They do not do well in cold weather. If a warm tropical climate is not available in your city or town, you might want to reconsider adopting a binturong. In a cold climate, the binturong pet might withdraw. Binturongs then spend most of their time sleeping.
Binturongs have a little temperament. But, doesn’t? Training binturongs yourself is not advisable. Binturongs have very sharp claws! Approach them with great caution.
Binturongs are curious animals. They are best housed in zoos. Binturongs are also at the constant risk of catching the canine distemper virus. Vaccinations are the first preventive measure to help counter the virus. Binturongs shed a lot of their fur. It occurs periodically. But you know, when you are unwell, how there is constant snot flowing? In the case of the binturongs, there is constant hair fall when they fall sick.
Binturongs are vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Binturongs are endangered because of the illegal pet trade, medical malpractices, and habitat destruction.
Binturong baby:
Binturongs can mate at any time of the year. Females purr to attract their mates. It is the power of voice here people! Did you know, binturongs are capable of an embryonic diapause?
This means that females can time the birth of their fetus. To occur in the best of environmental conditions. This delayed implantation can be very useful. Especially in this era of global warming for the binturong baby.
The litter size varies from 1 to 6. But, a litter of 2 is the average. Binturong babies are blind and deaf when born. But, these tiny creatures, can defend themselves.
Binturong babies do this by simply spraying a foul-smelling liquid when threatened. Once binturongs grow up, binturong babies can easily defend themselves. Young binturongs use their tail and hang upside down from branches. Baby binturongs mature when they are two and a half years old.
Binturong Diet:
Binturongs are omnivores. In the wild, they feed on eggs, fruits, fish and small mammals. In captivity, binturongs eat fruits and vegetables. Binturongs are great swimmers too.
This helps binturongs hunt for food underwater! The strangler fig is an important part of their diet.
Want to read more on Exotic Pets? Check out this article!
Binturong facts:
- Tail me more: Binturong is the only second other species to have a prehensile tail. This means that their tail is useful to grasp things. It also helps the binturong climb through branches. The tip of their tails has a leathery patch. This helps binturongs get a better grip on branches.
- What if an animal smelled like butter popcorn? : Binturongs have sweat glands underneath their tails. When they move around the forest, they emit this smell. It also helps them mark their territory. Binturongs are territorial animals. This scent alerts other binturongs to look for new territory. Emitting the buttery popcorn scent helps male binturongs to court their lady love.
- Flexible like a Gymnast: Binturongs can rotate their hindlegs backward. This is to help binturongs climb down the tree headfirst with a good grip.
- Flexible like a Gymnast: Binturongs can rotate their hindlegs backward. This is to help binturongs climb down the tree headfirst with a good grip.
- No Clippers, please!: Binturongs keep their claws sharp by scratching them on tree trunks.
Strangler fig, Let me. : Binturongs have special digestive enzymes. These enzymes help soften the tough covering of fig seeds. Strangler fig seeds need help to germinate. Binturongs help plant strangler seeds via their fecal matter. This, in turn, maintains the ecosystem of the rainforest.
- Bear with me!: Binturongs walk like bears. They walk flat-footed, like you and me. This gives them a side to side gait. Binturongs also rarely come down to the ground. Unless it is to climb up another tree.
- Just for Chuckles! : Binturongs chuckle when happy. How adorable is that?
- If I had a blank space: Binturongs are agoraphobic. They dislike open spaces.
Binturong Size:
An adult binturong ranges between 24 to 38 inches in length. In feet, that is 2 to 3 feet. Their weight is between 10 and 14 kgs. Binturongs groom themselves like cats. They do this by licking and cleaning their face with their front paws. A binturong’s tail can be between 19 to 33 inches! That is quite long! Female binturongs are relatively larger than their male counterparts.
Browse more Binturong Images here!
Binturongs are excellent climbers. Binturongs move between branches slowly. Yet, due to their size, they cannot jump from one tree to another. Binturongs climb down a tree and up another.
Binturongs are also referred to as bearcats because- any guesses? Their body is like that of a bear. While a binturong’s face resembles a cat. Binturongs have long white whiskers too!
Binturong Habitat:
Binturongs live in tall, dense and tropical forests. Binturongs thrive in dense vegetation. Female binturongs give birth in the dense vegetation on the forest floor. Warm temperatures best suit binturongs.
One can spot a binturong lounging on tree branches in the forest. Sleeping between or on tree branches is common among the species. Binturongs are widespread across Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Yunnan in China and northeastern India! The warm weather of tropical forests suits binturongs perfectly.
So this was all about Binturong exotic animal. We hope you liked this blog post.