Callosciurus prevostii or commonly known as Prevost’s squirrel. These prevost squirrels are easy to spot because they have chestnut brown color at the bottom of their mouth. This rust color then spreads across their forearms and front body.
Their tail and their back are black in color. The bushy black tail helps them balance themselves while climbing and exploring trees. The chestnut brown color and the back’s black color is distinguished via a greyish white line.
The image below depicts exactly why the squirrel is also known as a tricolor squirrel.
These tricolor squirrels are native to Southeast Asian countries. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and few islands of East Indies are examples. Prevost squirrels are tree squirrels.
Prevost squirrel pet:
Have you been looking for exotic pets?
I know, dogs and cats are so mainstream now. Even huskies, after all that Game of thrones popularity, are everywhere. But do you know what is not everywhere? And is it also rare? It is an exotic pet squirrel! Specifically, the most colorful squirrel there is.

Exotic because it is native to southeast Asia. That is on the other side of the world.
Prevost squirrels are small. They will not take up too much space. A cage that is a meter square should suffice. But, squirrels love to move around. Foraging for food is how they get by, so they need space to explore.
Ladders, hammocks and other climbing aids are great add-ons. Fake hollow tree barks or other alternatives would make them feel more at home. Prevost squirrels are solitary, so one could be entertaining enough. This exotic pet is very active and agile during the day.
Prevost squirrels have a good temperament. They are also very patient. Prevost squirrels do not bite, like the other members of their family.
Unless tamed, leaving them out of the cage could be quite a show to watch. Sometimes like sugar gliders, they tend to urinate outside the cage. Prevost pet squirrels are not prone to illness if taken care of properly.
If you are breeding prevost squirrels, keeping them apart is better. If there are too many members, you will have a soap opera on your hands. Yes, there is a lot of drama. Think of joint families-drama.
The temperature inside the cage should be around 60F. This is to mimic the tropical climate of their native land. Caring for your pet prevost squirrel could vary depending on the weather conditions in the area.
Prevost Squirrel Facts:
- The tricolor squirrel is diurnal. It is active during the day.
- Prevost squirrels stay in tree cavities with nests made up of twigs and leaves.
- The lifespan in the wild for a prevost squirrel is unknown. But, in captivity, they live up to 20 years.
- There are several names for this squirrel. From tri-colored to the ornamental or beautiful squirrel.
- Be clawful! Prevost squirrels have sharp claws. It helps them cling on to tree barks.
- Did you know, we use sweaters and jackets for warmth. While the prevost squirrel use their tails? They wrap it around themselves to keep themselves warm.
- The size of an adult prevost squirrel is between 5 to 11 inches. Their tail reaches up to 25cm in length.
- Prevost squirrels are the fastest arboreal mammals.

- Tricolor squirrels have very sharp eyesight. It helps them distinguish vertical objects.
- These arboreal mammals are very agile. They are tiny gymnasts.
- Prevost squirrels make loud high pitched trills. Especially when they want to be let out of the cage. They also whistle to warn other squirrels.
- A prevost group of squirrels is a dray or scurry.
- Here’s a fun fact for you. The scientific term Callpsciurus means beautiful squirrel.
Prevost Squirrel Diet
Prevost’s squirrels feed on seeds and fruits. Sometimes, they consume insects. Prevost squirrels tend to store their food away for later consumption.
When in captivity, carrots, bananas, grapes, peanuts, and chopped up greens are their food. All very healthy food. Prevost squirrels are omnivores. They also feed on small birds, larvae and eggs. Prevost squirrels abide by the chew 36 times rule. Haven’t you heard of it?
The teeth of a prevost squirrel never stop growing. To keep them short, the squirrels chew their food very well.
Prevost Squirrel Infancy
A baby prevost squirrel is a “pip, kit or kitten.”When prevost squirrels are born, they are hairless. They are also born blind, like pandas! The female prevost squirrel gestates for 40 days.
At birth, they weigh only about 15 grams. Imagine how light and delicate young prevost squirrels are!! The juvenile prevost squirrel is all set to step into the world after 6 weeks. They begin to forage for their food.
They become independent and leave the test. The lifespan of a Prevost squirrel in the wild is unknown. Predators of prevost squirrels are eagles and snakes. Prevost squirrels mature when they are 1 year old. The litter size of prevost squirrels is between 1 to 4 young ones. The breeding occurs all year round for these squirrels.
Prevost Squirrel International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The population of the Prevost’s squirrels is constantly declining. This is due to deforestation. Ironically. Prevost squirrels are responsible for the dispersal of seeds. Since they drop it far away from the parent tree. That is, they are responsible for new trees being grown. And yet, the home they unintentionally give life to is taken away by human beings.
Prevost squirrels are not endangered. Yet, due to deforestation and the illegal pet trade, their lives are in danger. Recently, a man in India was transporting 2 prevost squirrels.
They were among other exotic animals in his baggage. The man was on his way back from Bangkok. Airport security arrested him and the receiver. One prevost squirrel, however, did not survive. It is activities like these, that endanger several species. In the end, making them extinct.
Want to see more prevost squirrels videos? Click here!
In this era of global warming, we should be careful. If you can take care of a prevost squirrel, then great. But if you want it as some artifact, then please reconsider. Prevost squirrels are not recommended as emotional support animals.